Hand Drawn Equipment at SPAAMFAA MUSTER in York PA
By Member Clarence Jewell
June 11, 2024

The "Old Lady" was the hit of the day, and proved she can still pump, at the SPAMFFA Muster in York. PA. The "Old Lady", the circa 1848 hand tub pumper that was used by both the United Fire Company and Libertytown and her beau "Romeo", the 1893 hose carriage of the Independent Hose Company No. 1 as well as the 1876 Junior Silsby hose reel were on display at the muster thanks to the dedication of museum members Frank Schmersal, Steve Hurst and Doug Riddle
Also thanks to Independent Hose Company members AJ Wachter, Robby Whitmore and Chirs Scire